Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Ah Ha Moment... Thanks Oprah (AND Shellee)

Ok honestly I don't really watch Oprah very much at all, but Nana does and she fills me in on the points she sees as relevant to me....

Today is another snow day.  While the kids are excited about it, I would rather be in school and get out for my summer!  I love warmer weather.  BUT I suppose it has given me some time to get some things done.  I could certainly clean house today...  more likely I will play, but I could clean house if I wanted to!  :) 

Now what was it I wanted to write about today?  Oh yeah my "ah ha moment".  I have them daily, but this one hit me just last night after a talk with my friend Shellee.  Are you ready?  This one is BIG! 

Everything is NOT always my fault! 

If I have questions about something and I ask the wrong way, that's because I am human.  If I my feelings get hurt and I want whoever to make things right.. that's because I am human.  It's not because of my past or any one in my past.  Of course I have issues; everyone has issues, but my issues are no worse (or better) than anyone elses.  As a a matter of fact, my biggest issue is being able to let people get close to me because I am scared to let my guard down.  THAT IS MY BIGGEST ISSUE!  Judge me if you want..  it's ok.  I have been judged before, but if you actually take the time to get to know me, you will see that I have a ton of other amazing qualities that out weigh that "issue". 

I'd like to take a minute to just go over the things that I do NOT have issues with.  OK here goes..
I do not have an issue with loyalty.  Once you are in, you are in! 
I do not have an issue with commitment.  (Actually if you look at my background.. I have been a little too committed at times.)
I do not have an issue with placing blame on others. (I usually place it on myself)
I do not have an issue with admitting I was wrong and apologizing. (I have even apologized to my children when I felt I had hurt them or done wrong by them.)
I do not have an issue with judging people.  (I even try to walk away from gossip.)
I do not have an issue with always having to be "right".
I do not have an issue with always being negative. 

Wow, I could go on for a while here. I'm thinking my "issues" don't seem quite so abnormal or large anymore.  I am not an easy shell to crack, but the people who have taken the time to truly know me have stuck with me for a very long time.  That's got to say something about me.  If I was wrong, I will admit it and apologize, but not everything is my fault.  Thankfully, I am not naive enough to buy into that theory.

Today is February 2, 2011. (Another snow day) Enjoy it!  It's the only one you will ever get! For me I see sledding, snow angels, snowball fights, and a snowman in my future! :)

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