Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Haven't written in a few days..

Don't worry nothing's wrong, I've just been lazy with the whole blog thing the past few days.  The last time I posted it was about not getting what you want.  I didn't go into what was in my head, but I knew what I was talking about.  :)  Today, of course I don't feel the same as I did the last time I posted.  That's one of those weird things ab out being human...  our emotions fluctuate from day to day.. sometimes minute to minute.  Things that seems so pressing, so important one minute don't seem so important the next.

I have a lot of things I want.  AND the truth of the matter is God has blessed me with most of what I have asked for and absolutely everything that I need.  When I want more, I actually feel bad.  Like I am not appreciative of what I already have.  I am so appreciative I promise...  sometimes I feel bad asking for more.  

God knows what's on my mind before I even say it...  and he is reminded of it when I pray.  What I am going to ask of myself is to put more effort into getting what I want.  There are 3 areas I would like to improve..  I am not going to go into details, but here's the general idea.  1) Relationships- with God, family, friends, and yes even the romantic kind.  I want to put more of me into my relationships.  Of course this is a hard one because you can't control what other people do. So you never know what reaction you will get.  I am just going to work on my side of this and hope that the reactions I get from my changing are favorable.  2) Financial- This is actually probably the easiest one.  Not that I am rich, but just that the past few years have taught me to be super frugal.  Now though it's time to start taking some risks to continue to move forward.  3) Physically-  This is all me!  Self-control ugh!  I am going to have to depend on me to make good choices.  YUK!  I stink at this one!

What I am going to do is challenge myself to 30 days of improvement in each of these areas.  I am writing my own personal goals (not online as they are personal) and seeing where I am by March 11, 2011.  Don't worry I will write about them as I go.  Now I am asking that you help me by doing the most powerful thing you can do..  pray! 

You can't always get what you want.  Sometimes you get what you want later than you thought you should have.  Sometimes you never get what you want.  Sometimes you have to work harder for what you want.  Sometimes what you want is just handed to you... BUT always you get what you need just when you need it!

1 comment:

  1. Please do not stop writing! I enjoy reading every one of your posts! I have even shared them with my friends. Thanks much
