Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quick updates on my goals…

Goal 1- Relationships: In some areas I am doing GREAT! I have actually allowed some people to get to know me better. I have talked to a couple of people that I don’t know. I only had one major “fail” in this area, but all-in-all, I still have a TON of work to do! UGH! Week 1 goal 1 -> Fail

Goal 2- Finances: Doing fine in this area. I haven’t over spent. Put money in savings. AND caught a HUGE SALE with Kortney for some work clothes.. (that are SUPER CUTE!! Can’t wait to wear them some where besides work!!) Week 1 goal 2 -> SAME

Goal 3- Physical: Yeah I am actually kicking butt and takin’ names on this one! Been watching what I eat all week.. drinking tons of water.. eating my mufas.. and working out everyday! OK there was Monday—when I burned dinner and had to eat left over pizza, but I only ate 2 pieces and I did work out a little extra that night to make up for it.. so let’s label week one for goal 3 SUCCESS!!!

I am still encouraged! Down days are normal.. I am putting it in my head right now though that I will not allow myself the same mistakes no matter what the situation. I got this!! ;)

I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8)
Enjoy today—February 17, 2011. It’s the only one you will ever get!


  1. This is very encouraging!
    Our goals keep us honest with ourselves and committed to the things that we vow to do daily, weekly,yearly or in life. By setting goals you are training yourself to be accountable to self and to live on your own terms. GOOD for you and keep up the good work.


  2. Goal update- Week 2 (Last Week)
    Relationships: I actually spoke to people I didn't know and helped with the carnival at school (well I was forced to help). I even made a new/old friend! :) So Relationship Goal week 2 = SUCCESS!

    Finances: Handled some old business and actually over paid on some bills.. Finance Goal week 2 = Success

    Physical: Ok didn't kick as much butt as last week, but still not bad.. determined to do better this wee though. Physical Goal week 2 = Success!

    YAY ME!
