Sunday, May 27, 2012

Starting Over.... AGAIN! :)

Today is an amazing day!  Wanna know why?  I am alive and kicking!  It's crazy because just last night I was feeling pretty down.  I live every day of my life knowing how truly Blessed I am, but sometimes it doesn't take much to get to me. I hate getting let down.  I know it's part of life, but it's part of life that I don't like.  Soooo...  what do I do to handle disappointment?  Well, I stay busy!  My house is clean, my yard will be done soon, and I did a little Yoga this morning.  And every now and then I cry a little, but I don't stay down long.

OK the point of this blog is to let you in on something that I am doing..  It's summer and that's my time to get back in shape. I know, I know I do this every summer.  If I would just stay healthy during the rest of the year I wouldn't have to do this, and maybe this is the year I remember that eating right and exercising on a consistent basis make me feel better.  We will see ;)

Today is officially DAY 1.  I was told that it takes 27 days to make or break a habit.  Let's see if I can break an old habit and make a new one.  I will try to blog what I am eating and what I am doing at least a couple of times a week..  I would say everyday, but I like to keep my word and I know better.

Here we go:
So far today- 15 minutes of YOGA.
Breakfast: ADVOCARE Meal replacement shake (vanilla) made with water, 1/2 cup of frozen peaches (NO SUGAR), and a teaspoon of cinnamon.  It was super yummy!!!

We are going to do chicken and veggies on the grill for later and I can't lie, I don't know what else is on the menu just yet.  Yeah I know I have a little more planning to do!

Tony and I will be doing Insanity tonight in the garage. We have actually been doing it a couple of times a week already.  It's not too bad, but I definitely know that I have worked out.

That's enough for now..

I will enjoy today, May 27, 2012 it's the only one I will ever get!

Wish me love because I certainly wish it for you!

<3 B

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