Thursday, May 31, 2012

Holy Cow It's Day Five!

I am still breathing, walking, and at least half-thinking on day 5!  LOL.  Insanity has been really hard, but for a person like me who needs to be told what to do to get started on something like this, it's been GREAT!  I am not going to lie to you, there are parts of it that I just go through the motions, but I won't let myself quit!  One of my biggest assets (and biggest set backs) is I am not good a quitting!

Anyone who knows me knows I stay busy...  productive busy not just busy - sorry I had to make that clear because there is a huge difference!  Working out and eating right is extremely hard for me to keep consistent. This is definitely a learning experience for me all the way around.  I am using Advocare products to help me along the way.  Of course I am doing my own thing because I am stubborn like that, but I need to know what works for me!  I believe in the products I sell, and I want to be able to tell people, "this is how some people use them and it has worked for them, and this is how I have used them, and it's worked for me!"  AND just FYI they are working for me!  :)

On  a perfect day this is what I do:

*Wake up and take 2 Catalyst with a Rehydrate/Spark mixture (I like Fruit Punch and Cherry mixed)
)*Work out with Shaun T (Yeah I have a crush don't laugh) - Water is the drink of choice during his hideously short water breaks!
*Take my Coreplex (They are awesome because I buy one multi-vitamin and my whole family takes them)
*Drink a Meal Replacement Shake- I always add things to mine just because I like them that way, but they are extremely good mixed with just water!  Strawberries, fat free yogurt, and strawberry Meal Replacement is a family fave!  I also love LOVE love, vanilla Meal Replacement, frozen peaches, fat free yogurt, and cinnamon.  Oh my goodness it is heavenly!  I have also seen a little research about cinnamon being good for you.. and I have to say that just makes it even more yummy!  
* Sensible lunch and dinner healthy snacks- lots of veggies and fruit-  AND best part of all is I GET TO GRILL A TON!  :) YEP I love my grill!
* Also, if I start feeling extremely hungry and I know I shouldn't be..  yes I do that often..  I take 2 Leptilean to help me out. 

This is what is working for me-  it is what fits into my current lifestyle.- You can check out my Advocare products at:

Reality is I mess up-  Lat night I took Cyd out to eat at Abuelo's.  I ate some amazing Enchiladas!  YUMMY!  And felt a little bad about cleaning most of my plate,  BUT they were so soo good!  

Last but not least, I got to talk to my friend Shellee-  She's pretty amazing I can't lie! I call her my voice of reason.  She always makes me feel better.  She's that person in my life that never tears me down, but is always honest.  Last night she made me realize I need to start looking in a different mirror!  One that shows all of the great things I have to offer instead of what some may consider baggage.  LOL if Shellee thinks I am   special, there must be some truth to it!  

That's enough for today, May 31, 2012.  Enjoy it, it's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I definitely wish it for you!

<3 "B"

All in all not a bad day! 

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