Monday, May 28, 2012

Captain's Log - Day 2

Since I start my second job tomorrow, I thought that I would post a quick update on how things are going..
A couple of things I have figured out that I need to work on.

1) I need to plan a little bit better.  I took my two little ones to meet my dad this morning and we ended up stopping at Burger King because they were hungry.  OK so I make the "sensible" choice and eat the English muffin sandwich.  Yeah I know that's still not at all healthy, but I saw on eat this not that it was at least better than the croissants and biscuits.  BUT then when my kids didn't finish their hash browns it took everything in me not to finish them off.  Dang me and my obsession with not wasting things.  UGH!  We actually threw food away.  I believe that is the first time ever.  So my answer to this dilemma..  next time don't order the meal. 

2) I have also noticed that in an effort to get ahead on the dishes and preparing for the next what ever it is that needs to be done, I eat rather quickly.  The second thing I need to do is SLOW DOWN!  That's a hard one for me!  I just always feel like I have to be a step ahead so that I don't fall behind.

I did Insanity on my day off.. I wanted to get started out right.  Oh yeah and I promised myself that no matter what I would to 100 jumping jacks every day. Don't ask me why?  I just figured it was something that I would never have an excuse not to do.. it's too simple.

Happy Memorial Day!  Be sure to hug a soldier today!!

Enjoy today, May 28, 2012.  It's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I certainly wish it for you!

<3 B

PS.  My cousin is going a year with out fast food.  I think he's crazy, but inspiring!!  You can view his blog at the link below-  Check out what he is writing about :)

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