Wednesday, February 2, 2011


God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you...  my daughter and I have been singing that song together.  I like it.  OK truth is I love it!  It's a hopeful song.  

If you don't know it the song by heart like we do.. here are some of the lyrics.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are

Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

Of course you know me..  it got me to thinking.  How many times do we see signs pointing us where we need to go and we ignore them?  Leads to some long days and sleepless nights.  We let the craziness of our everyday life get in the way..  or worse we let our past get in the way of our future.

 What I like about this song is what I like in movies, it has a happy ending!  No candy coating the situation, the song talks about having many broken hearts before finding what was true.  I talked to my friend Kortney today about having to have the downs in life to appreciate the ups.  I agree with that!  True happiness comes with a price tag that can only be paid through experience.   Even my 15 year old daughter gets it..  well in her own silly way.  She reminded me long ago that "you gotta kiss a lot of toads to find your prince."  LOL 

Snow days are getting a little out of hand- we have the rest of the week off..  ugh this is cutting into my summer!  I feel loved today, February 2, 2011, and I am enjoying it because you guessed it, it's the only one I will ever get!

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