Thursday, February 3, 2011

You can't always get what you want...

Boy is that true!  Another snow day- means another day in the house- means tons of time to think- means tons of time to write.  Before I get too far into this one, let me just say that I started cleaning my closet yesterday (my real closet that's not a figure of speech) and I got all of our laundry done.  Of course there is more laundry already, but I still felt I accomplished something. :) 

The trouble with being cooped up is it gives you way too much time to think.  I already think way too much about things so you can imagine how crazy I'm going after being inside for a while. 

Everyday I try to read a devotional.  Usually I read the devotional right after I get to work. It really is my favorite and you can find a link to it at the bottom of my page.  Some days I read it and I'm like.. "Oh that was nice."  Other days, like today I read it and I am like..."Oh wow, I get it!"  I have copied and pasted part of it below.  (It's the bold/italicised part.)  This particular entry was written by Marybeth Whalen. 

February 3, 2011 Stay In the Shade

Marybeth Whalen

“There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son,
all the way you went until you reached this place.”
Deuteronomy 1:31 (NIV)

Last summer I ran almost every day, often in the hottest part of the day. As I ran I would anticipate the moments when I would run under the shade trees, receiving cool relief for a few moments from the unrelenting summer sun.

One day as I was running under the shade trees, I said to the Lord (I talked to God a lot as I ran), “Why can’t I just stay in the shade all the time?” To me this made perfect sense. I could run under the tree cover every day, always comfortable, always taken care of. Wouldn’t a loving Father want that for me, I reasoned?

His answer—as it often does—hit me right between the eyes. Well, that makes sense now, but how are you going to feel about that shade when it turns cold? I had to smile at His point. Staying in the shade makes sense sometimes, but other times it’s the last thing we need.

I will be writing more on this later today..  I am just at a loss for words right now.  Yes I'll admit it, I am thinking way too much and what's in my head is just not ready to be written down yet.  Look for an update later this afternoon.. Until then, enjoy today February 3, 2011.  Snowed in or not, it's the only one you will ever get.

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