Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eating healthy stinks…

So my friend Kortney talked me into (ok she practically forced me into ;) going on a diet with her. Not that I don’t need to eat better, just that the whole idea of a “diet” makes me nauseous.

We are doing the “Flat Belly Diet”. It’s not really all that bad. I am learning a ton of stuff, and even dare I say it…. COOKING! Not just cooking, but cooking well! Today I have had Oatmeal with bananas and pecans, a muffin (yes homemade), a cheesy penne pasta spinach salad with pesto sauce, and red grapes. The day is only half-way over!

What I don’t like about it, it’s a diet. Ugh! I hate that word! What I like about it, I never get hungry! I love that! If I do it right and eat my “MUFUs” I stay full, and no lie, I feel better; not so tired and so on. What I "didn’t" like about it.. I had to CHANGE. YUCK! (Notice I said “didn’t”—I am S-L-O-W-L-Y learning to like this part of it.)

I am not big on change! Don’t get me wrong I like to try new things, but I usually try them and then go right back to my old habits. I like my comfort zone!

So questions for today: How do I make those changes? How do I get out of my comfort zone? Well.. here is what happened to me. God placed people who LOVE and CARE for me in my life. When I moved to Broken Arrow, I was dead set on keeping with some of my old ways and who should come along but Mrs. Kortney. Not only did she force me to come out of my shell a little bit and go on a dreaded diet with her, but she also reminds me daily that she’s not going anywhere. Thankfully I am stuck with her  no matter how hard I try to mess things up! There are a few other people like that in my life now and just between you and me, I really kinda like having them around.

Opening up is hard as heck for me.. well except when it comes to writing. So there ya go, that’s me for today 01/20/2011. Enjoy your day because it’s the only one you will ever get!

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