Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I get it! Oh wait, no I don't.

Hopefully I am not the only one who is constantly asking the following question… Ok God, what exactly are you trying to tell me? Sometimes I pray and ask for answers and God answers right away in a way that there is absolutely NO chance I could miss it! The minute I read the verse in the Bible, or the minute my friend makes that encouraging comment; I know right away that is the answer straight from God.

Other times I don’t get an answer at all. Well, at least not the answer I asked for and certainly not as quickly as I would have liked. Of course I don’t figure out that I wasn’t supposed to know the answer until later on when I am reminded that God really does know what he’s doing. He knows me way better than I could ever know myself. He knows what answers I am ready for and what answers need to wait.

What I am struggling with is the times when I feel like God is trying to tell me something and I am just not pickin’ up on what He’s puttin’ down. I have so many things in my head and I pray and ask for guidance, but sometimes I am just not sure what path to follow. Now deep down inside, I know that the struggle is really with what I want versus what God wants me to do.

Here’s the question: How do I truly know the difference?

Today is January 19, 2011! Enjoy it to the fullest, because it’s the only one you will ever get!


  1. I can not help you with this question becasue I do the same thing. I sometimes wish that God would have an electronic billboard like that movie that talks to Steve Martin. Other times I am glad he doesn't because I don't want to be yelled at.

  2. All I can think of on this is what I have heard Sarah Palin say on the radio the past few days on the advertisement for the upcoming conference in OKC- God never promised us that we wouldn't be in the fire, but that HE would pull us through that fire! I wish it were a billboard and easy peasy. That is why we must continue to surround ourselves with faith filled friends, family, and church to keep spiritualy binded to Him who will show us the way! Great post!
