Friday, January 28, 2011

I gotta admit, I was jealous..

I know jealousy is an ugly thing!  BUT I have to admit today I got a little jealous. 

Here's what happened...

I was taking my son to his Martial Arts class and while we were in the parking lot I saw a man (about my age) go around his truck and open the door for his wife. 

Let me go on and admit a few things about me: 

1) I am super independent!  I like to get stuff done on my own with out having to depend on anyone.  Yeah I get that this is not necessarily a good thing, but I never said that I was just admitting all of my good qualities.
2) I am a bit of a "Tomboy".  I like to do stuff like play sports, watch sports, look at old cars, play video games, fish.. shoot one of my longest running dreams has been to watch a game at Wrigley! 
3) This is the hardest one for me to admit.. I am a closet romantic.

OK now it's out!  I like to be treated like a lady.  I like doors to be opened for me.  I like to be given flowers, presents, and treated to dinner.  I secretly dream that someone will actually get down on one knee and well.. you know the rest.   The fact that  I am not your typical girl doesn't mean I don't want to be treated like one every now and then.  I guess this ended up like more of a rant than anything else..  sorry about that.  This is just one of those things I had to work out I guess.

YES I was jealous.. I am over it now, but I liked seeing that there were still guys out there that are not afraid to treat women with respect.  If you have someone in your life that treats you like this..  feel free to share!  Every now and then I need to be reminded that  men like that really do exist. Question of the day..   "Why are there NO ..sweep you off your feet and love you like no other people.. out there anymore?"  Just curious.

Anyway.. Enjoy the rest of today January 28, 2011. It's the only one you will ever get!  - Good night and God Bless!


  1. There are! And the right one will find you. You are an amazing person and any man would be and should be grateful to have the chance to get to know you. I know I would.

  2. Can I volunteer to show you? You are gorgeous! There are educated, hard working men out there that just haven't found the right woman. A lot of men don't know how to relate to a beautiful, strong, independent woman like yourself.
