Monday, January 31, 2011

My Testimony...

1. Law . the statement or declaration of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court.
2. evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof.
3. open declaration or profession, as of faith.

This is my testimony.. well at least one of my testimonies.  I have several. As a matter of fact, I believe that life should be a daily testimony.  Sometimes, I'm sorry to say, it's no the best testimony, but every day is a statement of who I am.  This is just one of the most recent ones.

So here goes...

The Test

In order to appreciate the testimony, you have to hear a little bit of the background.  I don't want to go too far into it, but here are the main points.  About three and a half years ago my husband left me with four children.  I didn't have enough money to cover all of the bills and had too much pride/embarrassment to ask anyone for help.  So very quickly things started piling up and before long I was juggling electric and car payments to buy groceries and praying that checks didn't bounce and lights were on when we got home.  The mortgage company started foreclosure proceedings on my house, and I can't lie, I was scared.


My Dad called to talk to me, like he normally did, but must have known that something was wrong, because he drove from Indiana and was at my house in Oklahoma the next day.  With his help and the help of other family members, I was able to sell my house and move closer to home. 

The Testimony

That with a few more surprises put my finances in shambles.  I wanted to stay positive, but I can't lie I never thought that I would be able to find my way out.  BUT I prayed and continued to try and stay positive.  I surrounded myself with positive people.  I even read some books and did some research about how to build my credit back up.  That was all great, but I hadn't worked up enough courage to try anything different with anything concerning money. I had savings, but I was scared to touch anything or spend anything for fear that I would be back to the point of worrying about feeding my children and keeping the lights on. 

The Epiphany

Pastor Watts has been preaching about "Running Your Race".  I have blogged about it a couple of times.  He made the comment that we should have an "Attitude of Expectance".  At first I was like..  I can't do that.  I work hard and I don't expect anything from anyone!  BUT after I stopped and listened to what he meant, and took a minute to let it sink in, I agreed with him.  (If you want to know a little more about his sermon, you can just read my previous blogs.)  So I adjusted my attitude a little and went to God with my desires as far as my finances.  In less than 2 days 2 major things happened.  1) I got word that my daughter's college tuition would be paid in full!  2) I was approved for a  loan on a house that is now officially under contract to me!  I am weeks away from becoming a home owner! :) 

Two major  burdens were lifted!  Not because I am perfect. Not because I always make the right choices.  Not because I always try to do the right thing..  but because God is perfect!  I am loved by the highest Power, and good times or bad He is with me! 

The Outcome

2011 is going to be the best year so far!  Philipians 4:13 has a whole new meaning to me!  I used to look at that verse and interpret it like this..  "I can get through all of the bad times through Him who give me strength."
NOW I see it just how it is written.. "I can do ALL THINGS through Him who gives me strength!"

Well, there you go- my testimony for today, January 31, 2011.  Make the most out of it, because it's the only on you will ever gt!