Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I woke up this morning with a new understanding about some things.

First things first- no longer will I allow myself to make someone a priority who doesn't do the same for me!  I know this one seems obvious, but it's harder that you think.  You can't make people change!  Only they can initiate  change.  I am very guilty of hanging on to something based off of what could be in the future while sitting in a bad situation in the present.  I get involved with someone (it doesn't have to be a boyfriend type relationship) and things are rocky from the start, but I listen to promises of love and understanding with absolutely no sign of those things right now and try to hang on until things get better.  Of course a year and a half later I end up sitting in a worse situation than I started with.

I was told not long ago that I choose those types of bad relationships to protect myself because I already know that they are going to end.  I struggled with that for a while, but I believe now that that may very well be true.  It's kind of a defense mechanism for me.  It's not going to last anyway, so why bother getting too upset about it?  The worst thing about that is that you end up settling for less than what you are worth.  You put up with things you know you don't deserve and in the end you have nothing to show for your pain.

My friend told me that I should visualize myself meeting genuine people and finding genuine relationships.  So I'm trying it!  AND I have to admit, I like it!

What I want- Someone who cares about me as much as I care about them, and shows it!  Someone who respects me and is there when I need them!  Someone who makes me a priority in their life and doesn't make a habit if breaking promises.  Someone who refuses to talk down to me like I lack intelligence.  Someone who makes an effort to see me as much as possible.  Someone who makes me feel like I am the only person in a room full of people!  Someone who laughs with me, hurts when I am hurt, loves me with all of their heart!  .

Ok- there you have it... That's what I want!  That what I'm visualizing!  That's what's x-ing people off of my list!  I see myself successful!

How do you know if someone genuinely loves you?  Know what you want in a relationship.  Set up the parameters and make clear what you like and what you don't like.  If that person does something that you don't like tell them.  If they continue to hurt you- let them go.  If the love was genuine, they will initiate their own change because they never want to see you hurt again!

That's all I have for now!  I am going to work out and help me feel good about me.

Don't settle today 6/28/2011 or any other day!
*Wish me Love!*


  1. You are right you should not ever settle! You are beautiful and seem to be very intelligent. What type of fool would treat you wrong?

  2. Wishing you (Praying you) love sweet lady. Don't give up, it will come your way. The real stuff, not the surface stuff you have come across.
