Sunday, June 26, 2011

Searching for answers....

Funny thing is my preacher talked about deleting people out of your phone just this morning.    My friend Shellee told me not long ago that "he may not mean you any harm, but he doesn't mean you any good either."  That's what my preacher was referring to this morning.  He said that there are people in your life that don't need to be there.  They may not be purposely trying to harm you, but their mess carries over into your life and does you no good.  I don't like to completely x people off.  I don't believe in it.  I believe in showing kindness no matter what.  I know who means me no good, but am I supposed to completely x them off?

Right now I am searching..  I guess honestly I am always searching for answers.  I know what my gift is in life...  I am a teacher.  BUT what I want be to know now is where do I go with it?  I love my life!!  I am blessed in so many ways..  but what's next?  I know this is not my highest level!  I was born to go higher!  I am ready for a man that treats me like his queen and allows me to treat him like my king!  Can I get that please? 

OK OK OK I get it, this is a crazy post!  I understand!  BUT I must say, I enjoy being able to write what is in my head!  What's funny is that after I put it all in writing, I usually answer my own questions EXCEPT for one.  To tell you the truth, I don't know that I will ever be able to answer that one. 

A few things I am certain of.. 1) God loves me!  NO matter what I am blessed by Him daily!  2) I have the most amazing kids on the planet!  They make my world go around. 3) I don't have all the answers and sometimes I feel like a broken record asking the same questions.  4) I am worth the work it takes to find the right answers!

June 26, 2011 is a Blessing!  Enjoy it; it's the only one you will ever get! 

*Wish me Love*

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