Thursday, May 31, 2012

Holy Cow It's Day Five!

I am still breathing, walking, and at least half-thinking on day 5!  LOL.  Insanity has been really hard, but for a person like me who needs to be told what to do to get started on something like this, it's been GREAT!  I am not going to lie to you, there are parts of it that I just go through the motions, but I won't let myself quit!  One of my biggest assets (and biggest set backs) is I am not good a quitting!

Anyone who knows me knows I stay busy...  productive busy not just busy - sorry I had to make that clear because there is a huge difference!  Working out and eating right is extremely hard for me to keep consistent. This is definitely a learning experience for me all the way around.  I am using Advocare products to help me along the way.  Of course I am doing my own thing because I am stubborn like that, but I need to know what works for me!  I believe in the products I sell, and I want to be able to tell people, "this is how some people use them and it has worked for them, and this is how I have used them, and it's worked for me!"  AND just FYI they are working for me!  :)

On  a perfect day this is what I do:

*Wake up and take 2 Catalyst with a Rehydrate/Spark mixture (I like Fruit Punch and Cherry mixed)
)*Work out with Shaun T (Yeah I have a crush don't laugh) - Water is the drink of choice during his hideously short water breaks!
*Take my Coreplex (They are awesome because I buy one multi-vitamin and my whole family takes them)
*Drink a Meal Replacement Shake- I always add things to mine just because I like them that way, but they are extremely good mixed with just water!  Strawberries, fat free yogurt, and strawberry Meal Replacement is a family fave!  I also love LOVE love, vanilla Meal Replacement, frozen peaches, fat free yogurt, and cinnamon.  Oh my goodness it is heavenly!  I have also seen a little research about cinnamon being good for you.. and I have to say that just makes it even more yummy!  
* Sensible lunch and dinner healthy snacks- lots of veggies and fruit-  AND best part of all is I GET TO GRILL A TON!  :) YEP I love my grill!
* Also, if I start feeling extremely hungry and I know I shouldn't be..  yes I do that often..  I take 2 Leptilean to help me out. 

This is what is working for me-  it is what fits into my current lifestyle.- You can check out my Advocare products at:

Reality is I mess up-  Lat night I took Cyd out to eat at Abuelo's.  I ate some amazing Enchiladas!  YUMMY!  And felt a little bad about cleaning most of my plate,  BUT they were so soo good!  

Last but not least, I got to talk to my friend Shellee-  She's pretty amazing I can't lie! I call her my voice of reason.  She always makes me feel better.  She's that person in my life that never tears me down, but is always honest.  Last night she made me realize I need to start looking in a different mirror!  One that shows all of the great things I have to offer instead of what some may consider baggage.  LOL if Shellee thinks I am   special, there must be some truth to it!  

That's enough for today, May 31, 2012.  Enjoy it, it's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I definitely wish it for you!

<3 "B"

All in all not a bad day! 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Captain's Log - Day 2

Since I start my second job tomorrow, I thought that I would post a quick update on how things are going..
A couple of things I have figured out that I need to work on.

1) I need to plan a little bit better.  I took my two little ones to meet my dad this morning and we ended up stopping at Burger King because they were hungry.  OK so I make the "sensible" choice and eat the English muffin sandwich.  Yeah I know that's still not at all healthy, but I saw on eat this not that it was at least better than the croissants and biscuits.  BUT then when my kids didn't finish their hash browns it took everything in me not to finish them off.  Dang me and my obsession with not wasting things.  UGH!  We actually threw food away.  I believe that is the first time ever.  So my answer to this dilemma..  next time don't order the meal. 

2) I have also noticed that in an effort to get ahead on the dishes and preparing for the next what ever it is that needs to be done, I eat rather quickly.  The second thing I need to do is SLOW DOWN!  That's a hard one for me!  I just always feel like I have to be a step ahead so that I don't fall behind.

I did Insanity on my day off.. I wanted to get started out right.  Oh yeah and I promised myself that no matter what I would to 100 jumping jacks every day. Don't ask me why?  I just figured it was something that I would never have an excuse not to do.. it's too simple.

Happy Memorial Day!  Be sure to hug a soldier today!!

Enjoy today, May 28, 2012.  It's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I certainly wish it for you!

<3 B

PS.  My cousin is going a year with out fast food.  I think he's crazy, but inspiring!!  You can view his blog at the link below-  Check out what he is writing about :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Starting Over.... AGAIN! :)

Today is an amazing day!  Wanna know why?  I am alive and kicking!  It's crazy because just last night I was feeling pretty down.  I live every day of my life knowing how truly Blessed I am, but sometimes it doesn't take much to get to me. I hate getting let down.  I know it's part of life, but it's part of life that I don't like.  Soooo...  what do I do to handle disappointment?  Well, I stay busy!  My house is clean, my yard will be done soon, and I did a little Yoga this morning.  And every now and then I cry a little, but I don't stay down long.

OK the point of this blog is to let you in on something that I am doing..  It's summer and that's my time to get back in shape. I know, I know I do this every summer.  If I would just stay healthy during the rest of the year I wouldn't have to do this, and maybe this is the year I remember that eating right and exercising on a consistent basis make me feel better.  We will see ;)

Today is officially DAY 1.  I was told that it takes 27 days to make or break a habit.  Let's see if I can break an old habit and make a new one.  I will try to blog what I am eating and what I am doing at least a couple of times a week..  I would say everyday, but I like to keep my word and I know better.

Here we go:
So far today- 15 minutes of YOGA.
Breakfast: ADVOCARE Meal replacement shake (vanilla) made with water, 1/2 cup of frozen peaches (NO SUGAR), and a teaspoon of cinnamon.  It was super yummy!!!

We are going to do chicken and veggies on the grill for later and I can't lie, I don't know what else is on the menu just yet.  Yeah I know I have a little more planning to do!

Tony and I will be doing Insanity tonight in the garage. We have actually been doing it a couple of times a week already.  It's not too bad, but I definitely know that I have worked out.

That's enough for now..

I will enjoy today, May 27, 2012 it's the only one I will ever get!

Wish me love because I certainly wish it for you!

<3 B

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just a thought...

Truth is, sometimes life just kinda sucks..  Now before you go thinking that this is going to be a negative post, just remember who you are dealing with here.  I am not generally a negative person, so stay with me for a minute...

Have you ever heard someone say something like..  "If you think your life is bad, look around.  Someone always has it worse."  Or if something bad happens to someone else, you look at their situation and determine that now your life is in perspective?  I have and I have.  I always try to look at things and find that silver lining.  (Notice I said "try".)  It's not always easy though.

I live my life knowing that I am truly blessed!  My world revolves around my amazing kids!  They are my life for sure!  But it doesn't mean I don't get hurt!  I trust people a little too much and yeah you guessed it, I get hurt a lot.  I am one of those crazy people who want to believe that people in general are good.  I want to believe that if you say I will be there, you mean it!    If you say I'll do it, you do it! If you say I love you, you show it! To me that doesn't seem like such a tall order.  Each one of those things has a very simple solution to avoid any and all confusion... Are your ready for me to drop some major knowledge on you?  OK here goes..  the answer to the worlds problems ( ok not really, but it would certainly help a lot).  If you won't be there, don't say it!  If you won't do it, don't say you will!  AND most importantly..  if you are not willing to show someone that you love them, DON'T SAY YOU DO!  I challenge anyone to counter my solution..  because I absolutely do not believe that anyone can argue against it.

What I have learned is that when I do look around I realize that there are things that others have had to deal with that if I had to deal with, I would end up in a corner somewhere, in the fetal position, crying.  On the other hand people on the outside looking in see some of the things I have had to go through and feel the same way.  What's hard for me to deal with would be a walk in the park to someone else.  God gives me the strength to deal with the things I have to deal with.  When those little things happen that cause me to believe that  life kinda sucks sometimes, if I go to God, I make it through-  AND yes I find the silver lining.

If someone hurts me, I just make adjustments and keep going. If life seems unfair, I just keep my head up and wait for my turn.  It's just how you do things.  Life is not always cakes and roses (or in my case wings and football)..  nope sometimes is actually does make you feel like you want to give up.  People do things to you that break your heart.  There are a lot of selfish folks out there.  Shoot, at times I am one of them, but you just keep going.  God will never give you a mountain with out preparing you for the climb and giving you the appropriate gear!

I am about to go take a walk around the block to clear my head..

Don't forget to appreciate today, Mother's Day, May 13, 2012, it's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I certainly wish it for you! <3