Sunday, March 4, 2012

Change is coming...

Ever just known that change is coming even though you have no idea what it is?  That's how I feel right now! It's frustrating having to wait. ..  can't lie, but what are you going to do?  I have had an "unsettled" feeling for quite some time now.  Not sad, not depressed, not even disappointed, just unsettled.  I realized that I have been searching for answers in the wrong places.  I appreciate what my friends and family do for me!  Love that they are there for me any time I need them, but this unsettled feeling will only go away if I  look inside for answers.

Prayer is a powerful thing... if you use it!  I pray daily and love my time with God, but my prayers have been lacking the faith to back them up.  You hear you are not worthy enough and you see people's actions that remind you  of things from your past, if you aren't careful you start to believe it that you will never be good enough.

I asked a friend of mine this question today..  "At what point do you stop putting everyoneelses' happy in front of your happy; trying to make up for past mistakes?"  He wasn't sure of an answer.  At first neither was I, but then it hit me.  YOU CAN NEVER MAKE UP FOR YOUR PAST MISTAKES!  You can only ask for forgiveness and let God help you move forward!  I am tired to trying to make something right that went wrong long ago.  I am giving up my guilt right now!   It's in the past and I have lived for a very long time trying to make things right!

It's time to let it go!  Now I know I will struggle, because this is something that I have held on to for a good part of my life..  it's become habit and habits are hard to break, but I know I am ready..  I want to see what God has in store for me and I am tired of blocking my blessings.  Fact is, it's just plain wearing me out.

I appreciate today..  March 4, 2012.  It's the only one I will ever get!

Wish me LOVE because I certainly wish it for you!

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