Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm calling YOU out!

I am just going to come out with it...  this is a RANT!  It is straight up just me getting things off of my chest.  So if that bothers you, I suggest you stop reading and wait til my next post!

Guys..  Listen up!  I am calling you out!  You know who you are!  Men in my life who have done something to try to bring me down or just make me feel stupid.

Mr. talk to me on the phone every night for a few months and then forget who I am.

Mr. "Hey can you send me a pic?"

Mr. cheat on me.

Mr. drive 7 hours to take me out...  talk to me for a month straight.  Calling me nightly and talking for hours..  Mr. fly me down to see you, take me out, show me a great time..  call me 3 times when I am on my way back home, and again when I get home and talk to me for hours...  AND then forget who I am.

Mr. "I like you, but you were married to ________, so I can't talk to you."

Mr. "If you were just 10 years younger."

Mr. "No my wife and I aren't really together..  we just live in the same house.. you know for the kids sake."

Mr. "Oh, you have THREEEE kids?"

Mr. "hey where's my sexy pic"?

Mr. hang out with me, act like my friend, and then ask me when I was going to suck your wwwoooo hoooo...  can't even bring myself to repeat that one.

Mr. manner less who feels the need to make rude remarks to me every chance you get.

Mr. "I just got you a great deal on a car..  when are we going to do it?"

Mr. call me names and try to talk me into believing I deserved it.

Mr. "Hey can I get a sexy pic...  the one on Facebook is nice, but you aren't naked."

Mr. "Wanna go on a date?"  (When we get there...  I end up having to pay.)

Mr. "I just don't understand why you're not attracted to me like all the other girls are?"

Mr. "Hey you gonna send me that pic"?

That's all I can think of right now, but dang when I read back over that I realized that it is by the grace of God that I don't hate men! 

Thank God for the men out there that love and respect women!  The men like my dad who would walk through fire to make sure the women in his life were taken care of.  Thank God for the men who realize that the best thing you can do for your children is treat their mother with absolute respect.  Thank God for then men who will happily take on a woman like me with "THREEEE" kids!  Thank God that there are good men out there..   Even though my sky has been a little clouded with the "smog" that has blown my way...  I know eventually the clouds will clear and a GREAT man will appear that respects me and treats me the way I am supposed to be treated!

Until then, I will continue to enjoy everyday that I am blessed with, including today February 12, 2012 because it's the only one I will ever get!

Wish me LOVE, because I definitely wish it for you!

<3 "B"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why do they do that ish...

Why do people feel the need to try and make others feel less than their worth?  I see it all the time.. heck I see it happen to me all the time!  I've been called names, lied to, put down, you get the point, but what I don't understand is WHY?  Honestly, do you know really know me?  People who take the time to really get to know me know that I have a heart as big as Dallas.  I would give you my last dollar and the shirt off my back.  I do separate myself from people, but I would never wish anything bad on anyone, and I would never say "no" to anyone in need!  So why is it that people feel the need to try and make me feel small?

Wonderful thing about being older....... that.......

if you live life with an open mind, you learn from your experiences.  I am older- doesn't bother me at all!  My opinion is that I am in my prime!  LOL  I feel good and I have learned a lot about people.  ( I am still learning don't get me wrong.)  The one thing that I am 100% positive about is that you can never build your own worth by putting others down!!   Sooo...  why not just spend your effort building people up?  BELIEVE me a positive person who encourages the people around them is worth way more than someone who breaks people down! 

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing."
~ Theodore Roosevelt

Just my other thoughts for today, February 9, 2012.  Enjoy it; it's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE!


Advocare- We Build Champions!

Ok... here we go!

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but quite honestly life has been super busy!  No complaints at all, I love my full life!  I am sure you are just dying to know what's been going on...  right?

Well here ya go..

I started selling Advocare a couple of months ago and quite honestly I went into it with some hesitation and my usual doubt.  BUT I have to say, my attitude was quickly changed!  Don't worry this is not a sales pitch...  just my normal ramblings about stuff that's going on in my world.  I have my Advocare products that I refuse to go with out and my daughter now has her's. 

Track season has started and Cydney has her first meet tomorrow!  She's super excited because it happens to be at THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA!  BOOMER...

Saturday night is the Green Country Roller Girls first home bout!!  So excited to be able to support them!  Great group of ladies.  I am a vendor and will have an Advocare booth.  If you get the chance you should come check out some awesome derby and while you are there come and see me!  I can hook you up with some Spark!  (That's my favorite Advocare product, oh yeah and the Rehydrate, and the MNS, and the Catalyst..  ok the list goes on!) 

Shelby will be starting softball soon..  She's on the BA Attitude!  Track is Cydney's "thing".. Football is Tony's "thing"..  and it looks like softball may be Shelby's "thing"!

Personally, I am still trying to figure it all out!  Maybe one day I will figure out what my "thing" is.  LOL. Being a Mom, teaching, Advocare...  I have a lot on my plate!  BUT I AM LOVIN' EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

Now don't forget to appreciate today, 02/19/2012,  it's the only one you will ever get!

Wish me LOVE~ Because I definitely wish it for you!
