Friday, April 15, 2011

Today is a good day!

Hey- Hey! I am feeling really good today! Crazy how that works, huh? One day you feel like you don’t want to get out of bed and the next you are on top of the world. What made me feel so good today..? Well nothing out of the ordinary. I woke up after tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling fan most of the night. I got dressed and ready for work. Got my kids up and ready to go. Noticed that I didn’t finish the laundry and the kitchen cabinets could have been wiped off better.

I got to school just pretty much like normal and had to immediately deal with a run away and another potentially “bad” situation. More paper work, more parent / police contact; not really the makings of a good day.. unless I can just realize that that’s my life and even though on the outside looking in, my life doesn’t look fabulous to most, my life is pretty great to me! No I don’t have a significant other to wake up to everyday, but I don’t have a significant other to answer to every day either. AND I do have 3 amazing kiddos to wake up to! Some months we live pay check to pay check, but other months we have a little extra cash to play with. My life is not hard- sometimes it’s a little stressful, but absolutely nothing that outweighs my BLESSINGS!

Sure I want more- who doesn’t? God didn’t create us to sit on our tails and watch the world go by.. But I am also very content with all of the amazing things that God has BLESSED me with right now. One day I will have it all… Someone will see me for who I am and LOVE me just because I am me. Until then I am going to keep working toward my goals and loving the life that I live today April 15, 2011!

My son and I have been P90X-ing it lately! He’s a pretty real trainer! I think he’s got a future in it for sure! We will see where I end up at by summer.. I want to wear a swim suit!  Maybe even dare I say it... a bikini! ;0p

1 comment:

  1. POST PICS! LOL Well if you wanted to I wouldn't object! You are beautiful!
