Sunday, March 27, 2011


Denial - We all do it to some extent- Why?  I would love to say that I never make excuses, but that would be a lie.  I believe myself to be a fairly decent person. When I am wrong I admit it.  If I hurt someone I apologize.  BUT though I may not want to admit it, I have been in denial about things on more than one occasion. 

My thought is that maybe we need denial in our to some extent.  Maybe it allows us some degree of comfort.  I don't know.  I definitely don't like that thought, but I believe it's true.  We need denial in order to deal with certain things until the day comes that we are ready to deal with the reality of what happened.  It saves us from an overwhelming amount of pain. 

Don't get me wrong, I believe whole-heartedly that God is there with me no matter what I go through. I believe that he will never allow me to go through something that I can't handle.  I also believe that every time I have been hurt I go through a period of denial until I can get to a point of understanding.  Most times I end up blaming myself...  ANYWAY-  Not sure where this one was going..  just felt like writing.  Anyone else have any opinions on this?

I am going to finish off my day hanging out with my amazing kids!!  Enjoy today March 27, 2011, it's the only one you will ever get!  :)

1 comment:

  1. We are all in denial in some fashion. You are right about that. What's sad is the people who won't admit it.
