Thursday, December 8, 2011

Way cool deal..

If you are in the Tulsa area, you should check this out!  My kids and I had a blast doing it!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ever feel forgotten?

Not sure, but I believe that everyone has felt as though they were forgotten at one point or another.  I know I have.  I have kind of this weird dynamic going on in my head.. On the one hand I know I am absolutely BLESSED beyond measure, but then on the other I feel that there is so much more for me out there.  One of my family's favorite movies is "Our Family Wedding".  Yeah even Tony sings "...I'll cook your dinner babe..  soon as I get home from work.."  We have a few faves of course, but this is definitely on the top 5 list.  What is crazy is that even  though my situation is definitely different, I can relate to the Mom in the movie.  She talks about being labeled as "just the mom"  and I so get that.  Even though I don't consider myself "just a mom" sometimes there is an overwhelming feeling that "mom" is the only thing that other people see me as.  Hands down there is absolutely no doubt about where my priorities lie..  my kids are #1!  I believe that God blessed me with the gift of being their mom.. and when God blesses you with a gift, I believe you need to do the very best you can with it!  I wear my mom badge with tons of pride! 

What gets a little frustrating is the fact that people can't seem to see me past being a mother to 3 kids.  All that "me time" that Dr. Phil and Oprah talk about means nothing if no one wants to share it with you..  OK I get that that seems like an oxymoron, but what I mean is I can read a magazine, do my nails, take a bath, all of those things by my self, but I don't get much "grown up time" because people around me are so focused on me being a mom.  Hard to explain, but I know exactly what I mean!  ;op 

ANYWAY, moving on.. I am on day 20 of the Advocare 24 day challenge and I am down 8 lbs.  (More like 10 lbs, but I don't count them unless I have kept them off for a couple of days.)  I feel better and I believe I look better!  I met my first goal already:  1) I want my clothes to fit better!    If you would like to see what I am talking about and maybe try some of the products for yourself here is my web page .  I am more than happy to answer any questions you have!  It's the best "me" decision I have made in a very long time!

Be blessed today, 12/17/2011, it's the only one you will ever get!

~~Wish me Love!~~