Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ready for the snow to go away!

My favorite time of year is Summer! I know most people don't like the heat, but since I love the water, I love the summer!

When I was younger I used to dream of living in a warm climate close to the ocean. Great idea right? Well yeah, but I am afraid of getting in the ocean.

I was talking to my daugher the other day and we were talking about just that subject. She asked me what I wanted to do when I was little, and it led on to where I wanted live. When I answered by the ocean, she was not one bit surprised. She just asked one question, "Why don't you live by the ocean then?" Funny that I have never been asked that question before. I had to think about it for a minute. AND I gave the dumbest answer (but most honest answer I could think of) "fear."

The "what if" factor was huge on this one. I have stayed close to home because "what if" something happened and I needed my family. I don't go into the ocean because "what if" a shark is in there. I don't try something new because "what if" I fail.

To me that was embarassing.. so I changed things up a little bit.. What if I choose to take a chance right now? and here's a crazy thought.. What if it works out? Wow! Now there's a thought. How hypocritical I felt encouraging my kids to go out on a limb and here I was standing on the shore.

Yes I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. My regrets are few and for that I am thankful! God has blessed me in so many way.. but God has also blessed me with a strong will. This summer we are going to the ocean and I am determined to jump in. Maybe, God willing, I will eventually live by the ocean, but for now I am just giong to live my own advice and stop living in fear.

OK- That was my ramble for the day!

Enjoy today (Valentine's Day) Feburary 14, 2010- it's the only one you will ever get!


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