Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why do we do this?

Quick question- Do you feel blessed? My answer is absolutely! My next question would be, then why do we want more? Ok- I am a firm believer in the thought that you should never settle. Always work just a little harder. Continue to set goals and strive to reach them. That's not exactly the "more" I am talking about.

I'm talking about having an abundance of blessings and loving and appreciating those blessings, but still not feeling at peace. Sometimes I honestly feel guilty that I feel that way. God has blessed me beyond what I ever deserved, so why do I find myself searching for more?

I guess that's the million dollar question.

Good Night! Enjoy today June 27, it's the only one you will ever get!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some times you just gotta write...

Sometimes when I am not sure what path to take it helps me just to sit down and start writing. These are the times where I eventually go back and read through and wonder what in the world I was talking about at the time, but it never fails to help me through whatever it is I am going through. Crazy thing about it is.. when I am not writing, that is usually when stuff is going very wrong in my head. Not necessarily in my life, but so much stuff is rolling around in my head that I have trouble picking through and managing it.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am not the type of person to sit down and read a novel. I read things that interest me, but things that I am told I have to read kind of appeal to me like fingernails on a chalkboard. Most of the time if I don't choose the reading material, it is somehow put into my lap and I have no choice but to read it. Almost like I was meant to read it... I know I know corny right? Don't laugh just yet.. yesterday my daughter and I were talking and just kinda being silly and surfing around on the internet and I happened upon this, . It's a blog by Christine Kane called (you guessed it) You Teach People How to Treat You. Now what it so "ironic" about this is that a friend of mine had just made the same statement late the night before. So since the blog was placed in my lap, I read it.

It is a GREAT blog that talks about how you have some control over how you are treated by the way you allow people to treat you. That is really not news to me. I have known that for a long time, but it goes into some other stuff that hit me right in the gut. First, that you have to know what you want. Check! I got that down. I know exactly what I want! Yay me, right? BUT then it goes on to say, you have to set your boundaries and "honor and practice" making use of thost boundaries. Hmm.. OK hold the Yay :( I don't really do that. AND yep she was good enough to anwer my question as to why I don't really do that -> are you ready for it? "The biggest risk involved in teaching people how to treat you is the risk that some of them might go away." I don't like to lose people that I have taken a risk on and let myself care about. It hurts and I just don't like it!

So what do I tend to do? Not let myself get into many deep and meaningful relationships. Don't get me wrong, I care about people. I love people for the most part. I just don't often take the time to truly get to know them on a deeper level. Why? Because I don't like to get hurt. AND what's even more crazy about it is that I tend to choose people to try to care about on that level who don't really care the same way for me. I guess secretly I like to know the end result. Me caring about someone who doesn't return my feelings = eventually not having that person in my life.

One day maybe I will get it all figured out.. for now I am going to stop writing, because I choose that and promise myself that tomorrow (or tonight) I will write again.

Enjoy today, June 12, 2010, it's the only one you will ever get!